Should you have any reason to feel dissatisfied with the service we provide then we would like to hear from you.
We take complaints very seriously. If you would like to make a complaint regarding the surgery or the services we offer, in the first instance please ask to speak to the Practice Manager. If you feel a formal complaint is required then this should be made in writing and addressed to the Practice Manager who will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and investigate the matter further. We will handle your complaint in line with the Welsh Government’s Putting Things Right Policy.
Mrs Jayne Williams
Meddygfa Penrhyn
Pembrokeshire SA62 6TW
Telephone: 01437 721306
Contacting the Patient Support Services Team at Hywel Dda Health Board
Telephone: 0300 0200 159
Post: Freepost Feedback @ Hywel Dda
If you need help to raise a concern, Llais – your voice in health and social care can help you do this. Llais is an independent body and its free Advocacy service and can provide information, advice and support to members of the public who may wish to raise a concern. Llais can support you to raise a concern and give advice on the most appropriate course of action.
Contacting Llais
Address: Advocacy Service, Llais – West Wales, Suite 5, First Floor, Ty Myrddin, Old Station Road, Carmarthen, SA31 1BT
Telephone: 01646 697610